Sunday, December 10, 2006


morning morning~~~
i woke up at 530am tis morning...

oh my....
it's been a long time i dint wake up so early ad..
hehe.... :P
n early in the morning got one msn msg from my long lost contact fren....
so happy~~!!!
as they are my frens in malacca tat time tat spent the time together to strive hard in SPAIN DANCE!!!
but..... it's all bcz of the busy routine work....
cant meet them up~~~ :(
n tis afternoon my bestfrens all come KL...
n once again cz of the hectic life...
aiyaya..... so sad... cant go meet them up...

miss them so much...
miss my malacca life when i busy practicing my dance though hv to wear tat stupiak high heel..
leg will very pain... but all d pain is worth it... cz i got to noe so many great frens at tat time..
miss my SAB life... though many unhappy thingy happened tat time...
but it's sweet n sour la... =D
no matter wat... they are still the one tat spend the secondary school time with me...
n they are still the one tat i'll miss...
miss Puan Norhuda, Puan Norasyikin, Puan Rashidah, Puan Fong...
hehe.... :P

kla... i oso dunno wat i'm writing.. hehe...
jz simply write.. cz wana waste my time:P
bek to reality lo~~