here i come lo~~
ppl around me do luv me so much ya.....
keep on reminding me ~~ "monyek~ update!!"
konon-nyer.... i do hv quite sum supporters neh~! :P
paiseh paiseh...
holiday lo~!!
happy nyer....
but.... tis lil monkey stil stuck in cyberjaya.....
wat i've done right after my final paper for gamma year???
let me think think ya......
** finish exam **
as usual.... hang out with d gang.....
we went to sunway pyramid...
sumhw.... it's kinda easy to meet sum mmu-ians there...
cz... i met my kickboxing-mates, my YCS members, my primary schoolmate... n oso i met elmo with his fren...
we had our assumptious lunch at "Long de Chuan Ren"
i forgot d name in english~ so sorry....
i had lots of memories in tat chinese restaurant.....
since i came to cyberjaya... :)
gonna keep it deep inside my heart
not gonna write it here... hehe.. :P bluek.....
then... i went shopping with liping n mynn.....
at asia avenue... yeppee~~
we got wat we want~!! hahahahah
then d rest.... sum went for bowling... sum paktoh.... sum jz evaporated... :P
clubbing matters^^
then i got d sms from nana bout go clubbing at nite....
so sorry ya.... cannot neh~ cz promise seniors ady....
n who noes... end up seniors ffk me....
hahaha :P jk la... i noe u all oso got reason de....
so in d end i spend my first night of holiday with sum new frens.....
i apologize for wat happen tat nite ya.....
so sory
P/S : to man man~ so sorry.... i'm truly sorry to ffk u.... noe tat u wanted to gv me surprise... but hor... aiyo...i old liao la... cannot take surprises... ahahaha :P nxt time belanja u makan ya.. :D hehehe..
** 2nd day of holiday**
bek from fren's hse....
body got rashes due to alcohol.....
d life of home alone jz started....
hahaha :P
cz everyone bek hometwn lo......
glad tat stil hv sum stay back for events.... or for work....
at least i'm not cyber-alone... is jz home-alone...
n thus.... d spring cleaning of C1-0-11 has jz begun... :P
**3rd day of holiday**
i forgot wat i did :|
but shud b sum stupiak thingy lo....
cleaning d hse... gua...
**4th day of holiday**
wake up wake up~!!
interview ~! :P
i got d job!! yeepppee.....
n thus.....
i'm staying back in cyber to work.....
gonna start working on d next day .....
hope everything will b fine :D
**5th day of holiday**
first day of work....
hmm.... it's kinda tiring....
cz i've to look at d computer for d whole day...
editing d pictures....
but stil i hv to strive hard...
cz d pay is base on d performance...
d more i do... d more i get......
luckily d pics mostly are gals' stuffs... ahha...
gowns... blouses..... shoes... blablbala....
**6th day of work**
same as d day b4....
work work~
ti gong tia gong kia...
n i'm d gong kia...
i got d job for jom heboh :)
i was so excited when i got d call...
after work~
i played tennis with ck n eddy...
i was bullied.....
haha.. :P
but it's really fun.... cz the two of them are so cute....
trying to trick me.....
hope tat i can wake up on d next day.. :P hehe....
my hse is in a mess~~! hahaa
**7th day of holiday**
today i hv to use another computer cz d person tat reserved d computer has came bek....
nyway... it didnt really affect much....
cz d work is stil d same. :P
i had lunch with derek, weitheng, jarod.....
so nice to c them.....
makes me feel like i'm lil sis...
hahaha :P
they were having java course.....
tml is their last session ady....
meaning... wont b seeing them around anymore......
gotta wait until sem starts... haiz :(
when i come bek from work tat time....
i met kai zai & yingzai
they jz moved in to C1 wo...
got new member ady...
hahaha :P
hope u all enjoy ur new hse lo....
stil hv lots of things to do....
hv to clean d hse....
hahaa... endless job....
then stil hv to pack sum clothes for jom heboh trip....
hope tat everything runs as smoothly as last time...
can join d team again...
thx to ben , tiffany, jon for giving me d chance....
bek to cleaning~!! :p
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Posted by CarrotEgg at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
carrot, egg or coffee??
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they got soft.She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked. "What's the point, mother?" Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity--boiling water--but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water. "Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?" Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level? How do you handle Adversity? ARE YOU A CARROT, AN EGG, OR A COFFEE BEAN?
Thanks 'Bean'!
Posted by CarrotEgg at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
list of things tat pissed me off early in d morning
wat's d matter to ppl around me.....
making my mood changed for 360 degrees.....
tml is d paper ady...
n yet nw i'm like a volcano tat gonna burst sooner or later....
i was disturbed by at least 4 calls from my auntie when i was sleeping......
it's ok to drop me a call.....
but whenever i picked up d call....
she hung up.....
cz it's not my mum's voice.....
wat d hell~~~~~~
i hate ppl doin tis.....
d textbook tat i borrowed.....
i copied halfway....... n it was taken....
jz bcz i woke up late........ not late actually....
but jz later than d person tat took it away.......
first come first serve....
i hv to admit tis term.......
since young, i hate borrowing stuffs from others.....
or ask others to do me a favor....
as i met a lot of bad situations last time....
when i stil dun hv d ability to solve d problem myself......
but my principle is....
as long as i can do it myself......
i'll nvr appear in ur helplist.....
my principle of lending stuffs to others..
was tat..... plz make an effor to approach tat fella....
since u tat his or her help.....
by msg-ing or by call-ing to inform is d first step ....
then??? make an effort to get from tat fella.....
doesn't mean tat it's his or her responsibility tat to make sure tat d stuffs is with u or not....
is u urself tat really nid d thing or not......
these few days....
there's tis person wana boro my tutorial....
i had said thousands of times.... tat it's alrite to borro from me......
summore..... i hv to b d reminder to ask when he will take from me.....
yet no reply.....
few days ago.... i requested tis fella whether can lend his textbook to me or not....
n gladly d answer is yes....
n tis morning... i got tat sms when i was sleeping (again after those calls)
"hey u want boro d book or not? if wan boro me ur tut sol oso"
hey~ pal.....
does it mean tat i hv to actually take d tutorial to ur doorsteps even if i nvr wanted to boro ur book.......
i mayb rude jz nw...
but i'm seriously mean it.... when i said.....
n i'm sorry for those words....
but i do hv my principles.....
especially in all these.......
it's not a barter system........
in return i hv to lend u d tutorial.....
i had ored said i'll boro....
it's whether u realy nid it or not.... tat u come n collect it.......
the rubbish@@
Posted by CarrotEgg at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
my saturday~
unlike any other saturday~
i was extremely not "me" for today...
sitting in d living room....
since 930am till 6pm+ ~
browsing thru d ECP slides...
booming d living with with all kind of clubbing songs~
i'm just not so hardworking~~ for wat i noe ....
but it's true~
i only took a rest for 30 minutes for lunch ....
then 6pm++ went for tennis...
at least hv sum sport...
lepak a while....
tat's me!!
i jz bek from tennis...
n it's 8pm+ nw...
havent bath.... havent had my dinner...
all my mind is full of "where can i get wadanho??? n oso asam fish??"
dun ask me y i'm craving for these ....
i jz duno y... .
hope tat sum good samaritan appear in my life...
especiall for these few days .....
haha.... it jz wont happen again.. ==
happiness 1....
i saw d yengzai playing basketball at d court when i was playing tennis...
at least there's sth "surprise" in my boring saturday....
things to b worried about~
~ dumbo hurt her leg~ got d news from mum when i called bek tis afternoon during my 3o minutes break.... hope tat she dun b so notty.... take k....
~ ECP .. :( cudnt finish it la... so many things to memorise... sad
* m seriously in nid of kickboxing .... stress ar~~ *
Posted by CarrotEgg at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
birthdays on YCS
here comes d memories of YCS for d last two months...
birthday celebration~!
let's hunt down "JEFF" ~ d banana....
it's really hard to hunt him, man~
he's such a busy busy person.....
with all d meetings and post motem.....
then yumcha session.....
however, we were glad tat our mission is not in vain...
at least....
he did actually came n find us himself...
as wat he said... he miss us...
thus he came n find us...
duno is true or not....
anyway..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY~
plan goes on~!!
i dun hv d group photo with me~
sobz.... it's with jeff neh~
its jz a vr vr short celebration...
as jeff stil hv to get bek to his frens at McD....
so... we didnt play much...
hope u enjoy d bday yo :)
ah V's and bobby's bday celebration~
same place as jeff's ...
but different time... hehe...
as we will be having our final examination soon...
hence, we make it earlier for them...
n is for both of them....
thanks for d planners, wongkok, eddy, jameson...
nice smash of cream....
nice try ~!
pics picS~~
hehe... :)
wat wil happen to d ppl tat is being smashed...
or d innocent ppl tat hold d camera...
n oso... those tat running away cz they are d one who smashed them
nyway.... these are jz sum procedures :D
do enjoy~!!
Posted by CarrotEgg at 8:48 PM 2 comments
webcam with dumbo and timbo
having tis new laptop...
is not as bad as it was thought before..
at least........
i can c timbo~!!
tis wass one of d funny yet warmth thing happen during my study week ....
testing testing....
teaching dumbo hw to use webcam ni!!
hehe.....n here comes timbo~!!
wondering wat are all these ppl doing...
so stupiak :P
missing u~
my dear timbo
Posted by CarrotEgg at 8:41 PM 0 comments
study week~
sorry to frens tat actually do came n browse thru my blog constantly..
hehe.... as i kinda lost touch with my blog recently....
due to d super duper "hectic" lifestyle~!!
basically these are wat happen:
study week ar ~!!
busy? perhaps mayb....
study?? hmm~ thot so....
tension??? eh.... sorta.....
crazy?????? hehe.... kinda...
drama?????? oh... tat's for sure@@
food????????? hw can i ever forget tat.... "wadanho"
those are the dearest to me ever for these few days...
luv them?? hmm.... i'm looking forward for a better life for sure... haha..
mother's day jz over....
n too bad... i cudnt wish my mum in person...
as she went to china with dad...
can only send a simple sms to her....
wishing her happy mother's day....
not to forget my jia qi mummy and oso hock sheng mama, last but not least wong ping mummy..
then it's liping's bday~!
i stil rmb hw we (mynn, elaine, me) sneak out from d hse to go n buy prezzy for liping when she was having her nap...
haha... kelakar-nyer....
hope she luv wat we've got for her... :D
then as usual.... at nite we hv d small celebration for her at our hse.. C1-0-11..
as wat elaine said....
it's been a long time since our hse got so many ppl ~!! :P ehhe
then there goes our first paper... then second paper.... then third paper on today~!!
i hate having papers at grandhall...
though it seems to be grand... n indeed it is... no doubt...
but as d grandhall is really so damn huge......
end up all kinds of students taking different papers wil b seated in grandhall...
n thus....
when d invigilator making announcements...
it might not be d subject tat u are sitting on....
n tat's d time when all ur ideas went off...
anyway... mayb is my bad for not being able to rmb all stuffs.. .
hehe.. i jz bek from jusco...
stocking up my stuffs.....
food of cz.. ahha :P
3 more to go~!!
may ti gong bo bi... bo bi ah bi shun shun li li...
jiayou ppl!~~
** glad tat parents were safe n sound in china..... was shocked to noe about wat happen to china.... rest in peace to d victims tat lost their lives... feel sorry for those family members..... luv u dad n mum.... thank god that u all are alright... **
Posted by CarrotEgg at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
~colourful life of mine~
jom heboh!!
kangar perlis
3rd May 08 - 4th May 08
losing part of myself being a daughter, a sister....
i gain sth in return from tis event tat i joined...
no regrets.....
as i really learn sth....
n i obtain more than wat i expected......
many ask me not to join "jom heboh"
to those tat said so....
i'm here to prove u wrong....
i've learnt sth tat u'll nvr noe...
i get to noe ppl tat u'll nvr expect.....
although it's jz a 2 days event...
n 2 days trip....
tiring one.... mentally and physically challenging....
for wat i noe...
although i hv no time to study....
yet i wana shout to d whole world...
cz i'm glad i'm one of d team
i might nt b remembered ....
or wat i did might not help much...
but i'm glad to be with them
on 2nd May....
early in d morning...
me, karen P, ck, eddy went to kelana jaya to meet up with tiffany...
then at there... we met sum other part time too....
after gather everyone....
we head to our destination~~
PERLIS@!!is a nearly 8 hours journey~~~
due to sien-ness.....
after d briefing (by kak filza) n self-intro (by everyone in d bus)
me and karen P .... start to SS...
** two karen in d bus... making everyone giler... :P thus... i'm KAREN T (tan) ... she is KAREN P (pong) **
around 6 pm, finally.... we reach perlis....
d place we stay is vr near to d sea....
d name of d hotel is T hotel
although it's jz a simple decorated hotel.... yet it's jz like a home sweet home with al d basic requirements needed....
too bad... photos not available... :D hehe
then we were brought to a seafood restaurant jz near to d hotel....
called "hai tian" if not mistaken...
d seafood taste... yummy##@@!!
we ate tomyam fish... a very special way of cooking....
cz we actually pour d tomyam soup on d fishy ourselves... :P
we ate salad you zha gui, kangkung...... lots more... mamamia~!!
after d big feast....
time to check out d place we work on d next two days lo~~
there, we were divided into different tasks....
sum were d crews... sum were under Knorrs... sum were ladies choice....
n me?? i'm under PLANTA... hehe....
4 of us in one team....
supervisor is wing chee.... and under his supervision is me, lin, yaya
wing chee explained to us bout wat we shud do....
n his "5 seconds record"@@
which is .... d planta toast tat he put on d tray for d last jom heboh at mlc....
was finish taken by d customers in less than 5 seconds once he put up all d planta toast....
guess wat.... tis happen to me too on d last day at jom heboh :P
n chop chop~~!!
we went bek hotel to rest after all d briefing...
oops.... b4 we rest....
we were given d t-shirts and apron... n not to forget d caps....
1st day of work....
really "JOM HEBOH"@@
so many ppl...... COME N TEST FOOD
basically, planta counter....
got planta cupcakes, nasi goreng kerabu, planta toast.....
most of d time i was dealing with cupcakes and nasi goreng....
glad tat got sum songs played...
so i can sing along.... jz tat too bad...
nobody giler giler with me... haha.... s
o i sing d songs myself..... dance myself...... :D
details..... tak apa la... :D
tired giler.... waiting for karen P to bath... :D
so mah SS lo...
we went yumcha at mamak~
chit chat.... giler giler...
n surprisingly i found a muar-ian wo...
haha... geng ???
actually is he spotted me... cz last time same tuition at Mrs Wee....
junior... :)
n i feel so sorry tat i nearly drop his i-phone..
easier for us ady....
cz at least we got one day experience... :P haha
however, as compared...
d weather is much more better than d day b4....
cz d weather on 1st day is 40 degrees...
i nearly pengsan....
n i broke my life-record....
i said "thank you" while cop-ing d coupon for more than duno hw many hundreds times....
just so GREAT....
til i sked of saying thank you.. ==
with a blink...
tat's d end of our working days....
everybody was so happy....
taking pics here n there....
me too :D
and not to forget....
we were given a big treat again.... for our good job :)
we went to eat ikan bakar.... :D
i luv JOM HEBOH!!!
all d crews....
even d bus driver~ uncle david is so hyper active... haha
john, mat, kak mimi, edwin, simon, yiling, su ling, yungfu, wing chee, kak filzah, william, denise, naim, mulan, yaya, suzie, seri, lin, shiqah, joan, ain....... and many many.....
n i will rmb wat u say about...
"not here for d money... is for d environment"
i will miss d moment when i was d planta gal with wing chee(supervisor) , lin, yaya
hope i can join d jom heboh at bukit jalil...
n hope tat we can c each other there ya....
muacks ~
i luv u... u luv me... we r happy family~!!!
Posted by CarrotEgg at 6:49 PM 2 comments