Friday, May 16, 2008

study week~

sorry to frens tat actually do came n browse thru my blog constantly..
hehe.... as i kinda lost touch with my blog recently....
due to d super duper "hectic" lifestyle~!!
basically these are wat happen:

study week ar ~!!
busy? perhaps mayb....
study?? hmm~ thot so....
tension??? eh.... sorta.....
crazy?????? hehe.... kinda...
drama?????? oh... tat's for sure@@
food????????? hw can i ever forget tat.... "wadanho"

those are the dearest to me ever for these few days...
luv them?? hmm.... i'm looking forward for a better life for sure... haha..

mother's day jz over....
n too bad... i cudnt wish my mum in person...
as she went to china with dad...
can only send a simple sms to her....
wishing her happy mother's day....
not to forget my jia qi mummy and oso hock sheng mama, last but not least wong ping mummy..

then it's liping's bday~!
i stil rmb hw we (mynn, elaine, me) sneak out from d hse to go n buy prezzy for liping when she was having her nap...
haha... kelakar-nyer....
hope she luv wat we've got for her... :D
then as usual.... at nite we hv d small celebration for her at our hse.. C1-0-11..
as wat elaine said....
it's been a long time since our hse got so many ppl ~!! :P ehhe

~group photo as usual~

C1-0-11 family pic

then there goes our first paper... then second paper.... then third paper on today~!!
i hate having papers at grandhall...
though it seems to be grand... n indeed it is... no doubt...
but as d grandhall is really so damn huge......
end up all kinds of students taking different papers wil b seated in grandhall...
n thus....
when d invigilator making announcements...
it might not be d subject tat u are sitting on....
n tat's d time when all ur ideas went off...
anyway... mayb is my bad for not being able to rmb all stuffs.. .

hehe.. i jz bek from jusco...
stocking up my stuffs.....
food of cz.. ahha :P
3 more to go~!!
may ti gong bo bi... bo bi ah bi shun shun li li...
jiayou ppl!~~

** glad tat parents were safe n sound in china..... was shocked to noe about wat happen to china.... rest in peace to d victims tat lost their lives... feel sorry for those family members..... luv u dad n mum.... thank god that u all are alright... **