Wednesday, August 29, 2007


dah lah dumb... bodoh lagi...
really dumbodo la... :(

feel so dumb.... so numb....
thx khoon khoon, eng eng...
so late still go eat icecream wit me... then go swing ... summore halau by security...

things jz changed...
it mayb to d better for d others...
but nt for me...
i jz hope for a better karen.... cz it's nt good to get emo all d time yoh...
nyway... it wont last for long la..
as long as i still noe there's at least one person whoever he or she is...
cherish my existance...

i miss home lots...
especially at tis time....
when it's my weakest time....
which i lost all my reliance on others...
on d one i trust...
trust no more..