Wednesday, July 23, 2008

dedicated to myself... lolz

karen oh karen.......
apasal lah u....
gastric til hv to go for injection.... vomit... diarhea.... take medical leave..... blablabla.....
looking at d medicines tat i hv to take b4 each meal.....

it's really giving me a severe headache.....
whether like it or not..... i stil hv to face tis reality.......
i'm really ....... HAIZ.....

wat i learn from tis incident is....

all these disasters tat happened to me these days are all bcz of myself....
d emotions.... d abrupt psychologically changes .......
tat happen on tat particular nite.......
end me up to tat stage.........
although i did told my frens when i was chatting with them when i was really pissing off......
"cham.... gastric..... feeling unwell....."
but it's all too late :(

there's stil sum hillarious incidents happening during my so called "disaster"... :P
guess wat d doctor said???
"let's see....... y gastric?? y so troubled??? just take it easy.... "ngong ngong" pass ur days can ady la.... "
lolz... for d last sentence..... WOW....@@!!
but for god's sake.... i really think i'm "ngong" enuf ady (as in silly enuf =.= ).....
stil...... i get gastric.... mayb there's sum principles in it??? haha......
then....... he said again....
"yorrrrr.... u so skinny.... muz eat more..!!!! tat's y la u alwz feel dizzy.... there're basically 3 factors.... ur diet, sports, sleep..... nurse.... plz help me check her BMI.."
for this.... i did replied him with a loud

which made my sis laughed out....

cz to me....
firstly... .i'm skinny??? r u kidding me??? deh'
2ndly.... for d 3 factors ... i do think quite balance from his examples given which i didnt jot dwn here....
3rdly..... really nid to check BMI??

but he's d doctor......
so i jz folo his instructions....... since i ored "half-dead" at tat time...
sumhw...... he stil insist on his perceptions....
n ask me to gain weight.....

it's ored d 4th day....
feeling much better today......
d cramp....... hmm.... stil happen on n off..... after i had my meals....
but.... not tat severe......
tis time around..... i really hv to gain sum EQ....

karen.... JIAYOU!!!!!