Wednesday, December 10, 2008

shiuu~ lazy-ness

~tons of things to be done~

to-do-list is nvr empty...
but i'm stil laze-ing around...
wth m i doin!!!
karen tan!!!!
lobak telur!!!!!
tan ah bi!!!!!!!!!!

18th => test, lab, cyberp assignment 2 & 3, kickboxing, YCS
19th => ent assignment, jom heboh waiting for me
20th, 21st => workaholic carrotegg
24th => presentation

dear god~
i nid more time....
or shud i say...
i nid motivation!!!!
i'm so lazy @@
it's ored 3pm..
yet i did nth today

dear carrotegg~
wake up!!!!
or i'll WACK u up!!!!